Business Cases
We were born with the intention of thinking beyond, being close to customers in all stages of the operation, from the strategy to its completion. Through our experiences, we have identified methods of facilitating procedures and reducing duplicate work in the operation.
Each customer, product or process is unique and deserves special attention.
Below are some of our successful cases, in executed projects.
Supplier Development
In the area of supplier development, each product is unique and requires a specific set of solutions. We have extensive experience in this segment, assisting customers from the most diverse industries to seek profitable and reliable solutions worldwide.
Import of Machinery and Equipment
We assist our customers in the entire operation of importing machinery and equipment, from market research to the import process. With our commercial orientation and operational planning, we guarantee financial results for our clients.
Benefits of the Automotive Sector
Through a detailed research in the segment, it was possible to help our client to obtain significant gains in the tax operation of the importation of components for the automotive segment.
Agricultural Export
We have excellent success stories in the area of export business development. Acting as a strategic partner for our clients, we were able to carry out ambitious projects to increase the market and consolidate the brand abroad.
Buyers Consolidation Europe Project
In this project, we made an operational and logistical adjustment for the client, optimizing the entire supply chain of his company in Europe. There were more than 30 suppliers consolidated in shipments with weekly departures.